Tag Archives: eternal destiny

The Sin of Negligence

5 Aug

I recently saw someone refuse to help a person in need of 
assistance. The person who neglected to help had the power
and was in the profession of assisting people with this 
particular problem. Immediately, the Holy Spirit prompted 
me to intervene on behalf of the individual who needed 
help. So, I prayed. But how many of you know that 
sometimes the Lord expects us to do more than pray.
We need to act!

The truth begin to settle within me. Sure, I prayed, and 
we should pray for others. Nevertheless, the person did 
not have their need met because I failed to take action
when I should have. We really don't like to say these next
two words but,  - I SINNED! I committed the sign of

Can we take this conversation just a step further? Some, 
or should I say many, of the people around us are 
experiencing chaos on earth, and their eternal 
destiny is even more ghastly than their current 
circumstances. (Proverbs 24:11-12, Proverbs 31:8-9)
They are in need of Jesus now. But what are
we doing?  

We're praying, right. Indeed we should be interceding in
prayer for others. But we should also do our part. Time 
is running out. We can't wait for others to hear 
a preacher, and presume that it's the preacher's job to 
offer Jesus to those who are in need of salvation. 
All who have been reconciled to Jesus are now 
ministers of reconciliation. We are the feet, the hands, 
and the mouth of Jesus! 

We should continue praying. May we also "do" our part.