Tag Archives: fight

Fighting For Our Inheritance!

30 Nov
Once we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, our 
final destination changes drastically. Within that moment, 
we crossed over the threshold from eternal death to eternal
life (John 3:16, John 6:40, Matthew 25:41,46). We 
were also sealed with the Holy Spirit Who endued us with 
power (Acts 2:38). 

We are now classified as citizens of the kingdom of God,
where we enjoy  righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy 
Spirit (Philippians 3:20, Romans 14:17). In fact, every 
day we're loaded with benefits  (Psalm 68:19). We are
no longer fearful, timid, people. Instead, we have power, 
love, and a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7). Our faith moves 
mountains. Therefore, worry is a thing of the past
 Matthew 17:20).

All of our self esteem issues, are now non existent since we
are complete in Christ.(Colossians  2:10). We have the mind 
of Christ, and walk humbly before our God 
serving Him and serving others (1 Corinthians 2:16, Micah 6:8.
Whatsoever things are true pure, lovely, honest, just, we 
think on these things (Philippians 4:8). We are confident 
that whatsoever we ask in prayer according 
to God's will, we have (1 John 5:14,15). 

We are good stewards of our time, our finances and take great
care of our bodies, recognizing that our bodies are the temple
of God (Ephesians 5:16, Proverbs 3:9-10, 1 Corinthians 
6:19, 20). We are more than conquerors through 
Him who loved us (Romans 8:35-39). We are strong in The 
Lord and the power of His might.  We even rejoice in 
tribulation and in persecution (Philippians 4:4). 
Because God stooped down to make us great, great we are 
(Psalm 18:35).

Allow me to be honest with you,  I have yet to fully 
manifest all of these qualities in my own life. How about 
you? We must remember that our feelings do not negate the 
fact that all of these benefits are ours as children of God.
One of the keys to living the abundant lives that Jesus 
promised to us lies in remembering that we are fighting 
the fight of faith.  

We must remember that we do have an adversary, an enemy who 
comes to steal, kill, and to destroy (John 10:10). That 
adversary, Satan, longs to rob of us everything that Jesus 
died to give us. But as we fight with our spiritual weapons, 
certain victory is ours.

So let us fight the good fight of faith, fully armed with 
the weapons of our warfare which are not carnal, but are 
mighty through the pulling down of strongholds (1 Timothy 
6:12, II Corinthians 10:4, Ephesians 6:11-18).We 
must put on the full armor of God and stand on His promises.
Yes, we do have an awesome inheritance. Armed with truth, 
righteousness, peace,faith, salvation, and the word of God, 
we win! Our inheritance is spectacular, but like our 
forerunners in the Bible, by faith we must 
 fight for our inheritance (Hebrews 11,12)!