Tag Archives: supplications


17 Aug

The bible (Mark 12:1-2) tells of an incident in which a 
paralyzed man was brought to Jesus to be healed. When 
the four men carrying the lame one arrived on the scene, 
they found that they couldn't get to the door of the 
house where Jesus was because of the large crowd. 
These audacious men took it upon themselves to break 
through the roof and lower the lame man' s cot down to 
Jesus. When Jesus saw the four men's faith, 
he healed the lame man.  

Although the Bible doesn't tell us what the relationships
were between the four helpers and the sick men, we know 
that the men significantly impacted the lame man's life. 

They performed a deed for the man that he could not do for 
himself. They brought him to the Healer. Although the men 
were challenged by the crowd during the process of helping, 
they did not give up.

Do you know someone whose life has been placed on hold by
their circumstances? They can not move due to the weight of
their problems. You may just be one of the people that 
will be used to help them get to Jesus. The Bible tells us 
that one plants, one waters, but its God who gives the 
increase (I Corinthians 3:6-8).

May The Lord open your heart to sense, your eyes to see, 
and your ears to hear the people that He has already placed 
around you that are in need of your help in order to get to 
the Healer (Jesus). Don't give up just because the task is 
difficult. Destroy the roof (the hindrance) with prayers and 
supplications,and with thanksgiving to The Lord for what He's
about to do through your faith (Philippians 4:6,) With your 
help,someone is about to be healed!